Motivation for Young Parents is a blog for is a place where young parents and for supporters of young parents, to gain and/or give motivation and inspirational support. I was a teen parent who was raised by a mother who was a teen parent. I understand the struggles of an teen parent and have done public speaking in support of teen parents. I also work as a case manager/ home visitor position working with teen parents. I started this page because I wanted a place to share my experience and knowledge. Thanks for checking out my page.
"This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer."
I'm looking for help and feedback. Any suggestions on how to motivate teens to attend a FREE parenting class for teen and young parents when they are not mandated to go? we provide food, transportation if needed, and a chance to earn prizes, and it's still hard to get them to commit. Any insight would be much appreciated :)